“Exercise might be the most potent ‘drug’ we have for extending the quality and perhaps quantity of our years of life”
Dr Peter Attia, Longevity Expert
If we are to create a healthier world, we need to address all factors.
A Complex Problem in a Changing World…
Purchasing Power
Women have tremendous spending power and economic influence accounted for more than 85% of purchases across various categories in the U.S. alone.
30% of single women without children prioritise personal health, while only 18% of women with children do so.
2024 Women’s Wellness Index
Spending Potential
51% of women expect to increase spending on health and self-care in the next year. Women’s sportswear accounted for $143BN globally in 2023 (36% of global sportswear sales, despite growing faster than men’s sportswear sales over 2018-2023.
Euromonitor International
Growth of Self-Care
Nearly 80% of consumers actively proactive self-care, and 65% make it a priority, indicating a strong focus on self-care in the post-pandemic era.
Circana Report 2024
Executive Leadership
Sport participation helps girls grow up healthy and confident, helps young female leaders rise, and helps C-suite leaders succeed. With their problem-solving skills and team-building experiences, sport makes people uniquely positioned to lead in the corporate world.
94% of C-suite women have played sports, demonstrating that sport participation can propel them into successful business careers.
EY Research
Aspiring Professionals
Women’s representation in the C-suite has reached an all-time high of 28%, up from 17% in 2015.
Women remain highly ambitious, with 80% of women desiring promotion to the next level, up from 70% in 2019. Young women in particular, are motivated to advance, with 90% of those under 30 aspiring to senior leadership roles.
McKinsey & Company
Sport participation helps girls grow up healthy and confident, helps young female leaders rise, and helps C-suite leaders succeed. With their problem-solving skills and team-building experiences, sport makes people uniquely positioned to lead in the corporate world.
94% of C-suite women have played sports, demonstrating that sport participation can propel them into successful business careers.
EY Research
Global Health Burden
31% of adults and 80% of adolescents do not meet the recommended level of physical activity. Women are 5% less active than men and after the age of 60, physical activity levels decrease in both men and women. People who are insufficiently active have a 20%-30% increased risk of death compared to people who are sufficiently active.
World Health Organisation
Menopause and Strength
Research shows you can lose 10% of muscle mass during perimenopause alone, and late perimenopausal and postmenopausal women are overwhelmingly more likely to have sarcopenia (involuntary muscle loss) than premenopausal or early perimenopausal women.
National Library of Medicine
You can’t make muscle if you don’t have the amino acids in your system to generate it. In short, that means eating enough protein especially because we can develop more “anabolic resistance” with age and during menopause, meaning that our muscles become less sensitive to protein.
National Library of Medicine